Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We are so far behind....

... but there is a little bit of knitting being done. This is March's yarn so far:

Dicentra - leg

This is one very (and I mean VERY) bright yarn. In the skein, it's a rainbow. On the needles, it makes short spirals, with the yellow popping out, almost as if to say, "Hey, it's me!! ME!!" The yellow reminds me of our Giles, the rescue dog, who always comes in the door and rushes for the missing person (either me or my husband), tail wagging, almost as if to say "Mom (Dad), I'm home. Me. I'm home. And I know you are just dying to see me. I came back. Again."

That's yellow. I really like yellow.

And so far, I really like this yarn.

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