Saturday, January 30, 2010

More King Charles

The bead idea came from the Sock Knitters Anonymous group on Ravelry - although I must say that unlike AA, this group doesn't do anything to deal with the addiction - if anything, it fosters it. Nuff said. One of the January challenges was beaded socks. The mystery sock has beads, and although I'm plugging along on it, I'm having much more fun designing my own.

My first King Charles sock is done - beads and all. I eventually realized that the most important part of beading the stitch is to ensure that the crochet hook is small enough to go easily through the bead with the yarn: too large and there's no chance of getting everything through, even if the hook itself fits.

King Charles Brocade first sock

You can barely see the beads - they're much more visible on this close-up:

King Charles Brocade bead detail

And - just because I can, there's a second King Charles sock - one of my Variations on a Theme: this one has beaded ribs, with the brocade pattern on the bottom of the leg and the instep. The yarn is Blue Moon's STR Lightweight in Citrine. As usual, not a slub, not a knot. I added the beads to the yarn first, because I wanted them to lie between the stitches, and of course, I added too many. Because I'm too lazy to cut the yarn, I just keep sliding them down, reminding myself I will need them for the second sock.

King Charles Brocade turnover

The beads aren't the easiest to see because the cuff will be rolled over and then, they'll be much more visible.

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