Monday, April 5, 2010

We're off!!

Yes, we're off. Proof is in the picture. (As an aside (I love asides), the original expression is "the proof of the pudding is in the eating. That has been abbreviated to "the proof is in the pudding", which means result are what counts. Good looking isn't good eating.)

Sara cast-on

Not the greatest photo, but it's only the cuff and there is more knitting to be done. (Have I ever mentioned I love knitting. A perfect day has both knitting and quilting. Oh, and a run with the dog and a decent meal, not cooked by me. And a good book.) I digress. (See the comment on asides, above.)

So far, I'm not certain about the quality of the yarn, but I am impressed with the dyer. I like the way this yarn pools.

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