Thursday, September 24, 2009

September Socks Finished

The September Socks are finished. I really enjoyed this knit. The yarn is smooth and there were no knots at all. The dye is even and produces a narrow stripe pattern, except over the gusset where there was pooling. Since I like pooling, this is never an issue, but I know for some, the objective is to keep the look of the sock consistent throughout. If that is your objective, you will need to use a different heel, since a gusset heel always produces a distortion of the yarn pattern due to the increase in stitches.

Stats coming soon - before the end of the month.

Would I use this yarn again? Yes. The next time I would use smaller needless to make it firmer, as on my 2.25's it may be a little less dense than I would like. For me that's not particularly an issue, since I wear my socks mostly with Birks and there isn't a lot of hard wear on them. If you wear them in shoes you might want a denser gauge.

Here's another photo of the gusset, showing the pooling. One side of the sock was quite blue/green/navy - the other side, much whiter. Worked for me.

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